Thursday, 17 October 2013

Flunked Out of Camp

Remember how I was doing Camp NaNoWriMo?
Yeah . . .
I flunked out.

I know any progress is still progress, but I still consider giving up after, what was it? Three days of actual writing? I still consider that to be a bit of a failure. Since then I have been working on my novel writing course, although I admit lately I have been a slack-master. To make up for it, I will be participating in NaNoWriMo 2013. This should get the writing bug back in me. I can't fail two NaNo's in a row!

I'll keep my blog updated with my progress when I'm having slacker moments (so hopefully I won't be posting on here too much! Haha).

Good luck in November to anyone else participating in NaNo this year! When I encourage you all by saying 'any words written by the end of the month is good!' as I am sure I will, ignore how I consider my incomplete Camp NaNo a failure. I'm just being extra hard on myself for giving up for a silly reason (which I'm pretty sure was just laziness that I blamed on work - don't let me do that again!).

Here's hoping for another successful NaNo! I completed NaNoWriMo 2012 with a come-from-behind. Let's see if I can do it again this year. Er, without the 'oh crap, I have one day left and 10k words to write' stress, haha!