Writing Buddy
*salutes all*
So today I want to talk a little about what inspires me (writing-wise, of course), but first I want to introduce you to a friend of mine. He's black and grey and stuffed and adorable. And nameless.
Actually, I think he has a name, but I have definitely forgotten it. I'm a terrible friend-of-a-mini-stuffed-raccoon.
(I'm sure I gave him a cool name, but my forgetfulness has made me, well, forget. It will come back to me, I'm sure. But just in case, if you have any name suggestions, feel free to post them in the comments. Something literary/book-y is preferable, as I'm sure that's what the name I gave him was like... I think.)
I saw him at work, decided I needed a writing buddy - that was not a cat that liked to interrupt my writing with incessant meowing for attention or walking across the keyboard. Scary things happen when a cat walks across a keyboard!
What inspires you?
For me, it's a few different things. The surest way to make me want to write, is if I read. Or if I'm at work or doing anything else that makes it impossible for me to sit down and write, but that's a whole other story.
Nine times out of ten, if I'm reading a book, I will want to write.
Ten times out of ten, if I'm reading a book of the same genre as my current WIP, I will want to write.
I tend to get a lot of ideas when I'm reading a book of the same genre as my WIP, and the oddest thing is that the ideas rarely have anything to do with the text in front of my face. Reading fantasy novels right now, for example, seem to make me want to dive back into the world I created. This does not mean I am not enjoying the book in my hands; it just gives me the itch to want to write. Usually at the same time as I'm reading. Sadly, that's not possible, or else I'd get a LOT of reading and writing done!
Other than reading, a few other things that get me inspired to write are:
- When it is not morning
- Usually anytime between 5pm and 4am, which never seems to work with my work and sleep schedule - but who needs sleep, right? Ha. Haha. If only!
- Rain
- Especially thunderstorms
- Especially in the late evenings between 5pm and 4am!
- Loud music (generally a playlist with a mix of rock/pop rock/country rock) - But not while I'm writing! Because then all I end up doing is singing along and bouncing around in my desk chair.
So that's that.
What inspires you to write?
PS: Haha - maybe I should call the raccoon 'Inspiration' =P
i do my best writing at night too. i need to listen to music when i'm writing, only because it drowns out everything else and tends to inspire me at the same time
Jen, I find I can't listen to music while I write because it distracts me. I do need quiet, though. Or at least not hear the sounds of people talking/appliances/the television/etc. When my family is home and up and about, I find it difficult to write, so I'm often holed up in my room with the door closed, or waiting until they've gone to bed to get stuff done.
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